Enterprise Data Security
Empower remote Workforces -- Seamlessly and Securely
In today's uncertain environment, protecting your Data is the best way to protect your people and allow them to focus on what really matters.
We're here to help with proven Endpoint Security software that protects personal PCs and mobile devices from malware and hackers and integrated hardware solutions such as SSL and IPSec VPN that allow workers everywhere to connect to the corporate network without risk.
We protect Data from the endpoint to the cloud and back again in the toughest security environments in the world. How can we help?
SecureData - Automatic File & Folder Encryption
Protects every file, in every place, and at every time without disturbing how people work. 100% protection.
SecureFile - Digital Signing & DRM
Adds Digital Signing & DRM features to select files. Chain-signing, secure wipe, and more when you need it.
SecureDisk - Flexible Volume Encryption
Creates and manages virtual disks with volume encryption on any Windows device or network.
SecureEmail - Policy-based End-to-End Email Encryption
Ensures protection and authenticity of email with Policy-based security and automatic key management.
SecureAPlus - AI Powered Endpoint Protection
Protects endpoints against multiple attack vectors - known or unknown, file or file-less, internal or external.
SecureNetguard - Point-to-Point Network Security
Provides two-way authentication for all internal transactions through 256-bit SSL Transport Layer Security.
Click on Product name for more info:

Automatic File & Folder Encryption

Flexible Volume Encryption

Point-to-Point Network Security

AI Powered Endpoint Protection