WatchGuard was the inventor of the security appliance concept, way back in 1996. It continues to be amongst the finest innovators in the UTM and Secure Email Gateway space. Watchguard has a complete range of appliances and virtual solutions and has been recognized for several years now as a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for UTM’s.

TAKE-NO-PRISONERS SECURITY. Unified Threat Management (UTM) from WatchGuard is the industry’s highest-performing, all-in-one network security platform. That means no compromises. Ever.

WIRELESS ACCESS, POWERFUL SAFETY NET. Today’s network threats aren’t tethered to the desktop. Your security can’t be, either. WatchGuard extends its blazing-fast, full-featured UTM security out to the WLAN with a range of wireless access points

Unique MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION (MFA) solution helps to reduce the likelihood of network disruptions and data breaches arising from lost or stolen credentials.

End Point Security - EPP & EDR
The combination of EPP & EDR solutions and services provides a highly detailed visibility of all endpoint activity, Its a unique 100% Attestation Service,All delivered via a single lightweight agent.An absolute control of all running processes.